There are two extensions that provide Java language support for Zed:
- Zed Java: zed-extensions/java and
- Java with Eclipse JDTLS: zed-java-eclipse-jdtls.
Both use:
- Tree-sitter: tree-sitter/tree-sitter-java
- Language Server: eclipse-jdtls/
Install OpenJDK
You will need to install a Java runtime (OpenJDK).
- MacOS:
brew install openjdk
- Ubuntu:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-23 && sudo apt-get install openjdk-23
- Windows:
choco install openjdk
- Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S jre-openjdk-headless
Or manually download and install OpenJDK 23.
Extension Install
You can install either by opening zed: extensions
(cmd-shift-x|ctrl-shift-x) and searching for java
We recommend you install one or the other and not both.
Settings / Initialization Options
Both extensions will automatically download the language server, see: Manual JDTLS Install below if you'd prefer to manage that yourself.
For available initialization_options
please see the Initialize Request section of the Wiki.
You can add these customizations to your Zed Settings by launching zed: open settings
(cmd-,|ctrl-,) or by using a .zed/setting.json
inside your project.
Zed Java Settings
"lsp": {
"jdtls": {
"initialization_options": {}
Java with Eclipse JDTLS settings
"lsp": {
"java": {
"settings": {},
"initialization_options": {}
Example Configs
Zed Java Initialization Options
There are also many more options you can pass directly to the language server, for example:
"lsp": {
"jdtls": {
"initialization_options": {
"bundles": [],
"workspaceFolders": ["file:///home/snjeza/Project"],
"settings": {
"java": {
"home": "/usr/local/jdk-9.0.1",
"errors": {
"incompleteClasspath": {
"severity": "warning"
"configuration": {
"updateBuildConfiguration": "interactive",
"maven": {
"userSettings": null
"trace": {
"server": "verbose"
"import": {
"gradle": {
"enabled": true
"maven": {
"enabled": true
"exclusions": [
"jdt": {
"ls": {
"lombokSupport": {
"enabled": false // Set this to true to enable lombok support
"referencesCodeLens": {
"enabled": false
"signatureHelp": {
"enabled": false
"implementationsCodeLens": {
"enabled": false
"format": {
"enabled": true
"saveActions": {
"organizeImports": false
"contentProvider": {
"preferred": null
"autobuild": {
"enabled": false
"completion": {
"favoriteStaticMembers": [
"importOrder": ["java", "javax", "com", "org"]
Java with Eclipse JTDLS Configuration
Configuration options match those provided in the redhat-developer/vscode-java extension.
For example, to enable Lombok Support:
"lsp": {
"java": {
"settings": {
"": true
Manual JDTLS Install
If you prefer, you can install JDTLS yourself and both extensions can be configured to use that instead.
- MacOS:
brew install jdtls
- Arch:
from AUR
Or manually download install:
- JDTLS Milestone Builds (updated every two weeks)
- JDTLS Snapshot Builds (frequent updates)
See also
If you have issues with either of these plugins, please open issues on their respective repositories: