
Elm support is available through the Elm extension.


Zed support for Elm requires installation of elm, elm-format, and elm-review.

  1. Install Elm (or run brew install elm on macOS).
  2. Install elm-review to support code linting:
    npm install elm-review --save-dev
  3. Install elm-format to support automatic formatting
    npm install -g elm-format

Configuring elm-language-server

Elm language server can be configured in your settings.json, e.g.:

  "lsp": {
    "elm-language-server": {
      "initialization_options": {
        "disableElmLSDiagnostics": true,
        "onlyUpdateDiagnosticsOnSave": false,
        "elmReviewDiagnostics": "warning"

elm-format, elm-review and elm need to be installed and made available in the environment or configured in the settings. See the full list of server settings here.

Known Issues

There is an upstream issue with elm-language-server incorrectly supporting linked_edits. It is recommend you disable that feature in your Zed settings.json with:

  "languages": {
    "Elm": {
      "linked_edits": false